Sitting here at the beach

Sitting here at the beach

What a beautiful sight, I`m sitting here at the coast of Croatia, in a small village, Brela. I found a spot where the sea is lighted up by underwater lights and went to dive it out. Amazing. Diving in the night time is something extraordinary. Kind of terrifying tough, but most definitely worth it.

Wonderful things Continue reading “Sitting here at the beach”

Sending Shockwaves

Sending Shockwaves

Hey beautiful people, how`s your day grooving?

Listening Walking On a Dream by The Empire Of The Sun, here at the office in lovely Baska Voda, Croatia. Started my day deciding to not eat breakfast, and I think one of the reasons behind that is with all the breathing and underwater action that has been going on for a while now, my appetite has grown healthier. That said, it`s been an epic day, here`s how it got to be so: Continue reading “Sending Shockwaves”

I Have A Dream

I Have A Dream

Wanting it. Getting hungry. Today I woke up at 6, meditated a while, ate breakfast, and went to sleep for another hour before work. We were out at a colleagues place having dinner and wine yesterday, so at work I didn`t feel the freshest ever. At siesta (between 12-17), decided instead of gym, to hit the spa to sweat yesterdays alcohol off. Went underwater as always, and there I decided another thing. Not going to have drinks for a couple of days now, since I feel its disrupting my ability to fully concentrate underwater and in general as well.

Inspired by writing

This daily routine of writing has brought with it many things. I`m learning many things everyday. Discipline. Evolving my life around great habits and getting rid of the unnecessary. I have noticed that while now concentrating my life on 5 main goals, exercise, breathing (freediving), meditation, learning, and writing, on daily bases I search for new knowledge on how to exercise, discover different tactics for holding my breath and so on. So when you have a direction where you`re going and the will to walk there, the path will unfold itself to you.

Get out there, make great goals, go after them and discover your epicness by taking constant action towards the things you love. With love, Karri Kuusisto

Why are goals important?

Why are goals important?

Throughout most of my adult life, I`ve been travelling. And like the most of us, I went on these journeys to discover purpose. Discover who I truly am, what I love to do. I fell in love, I fell out of love. I saw both sides of the coin. Great things happened to me, and so did some awful ones. I laughed, cried, danced and panicked. At some couple years back,
in Chetumal, Mexico, I started writing this blog. Through this I learned that writing is a Continue reading “Why are goals important?”

Finding your way

Finding your way

We live in times of endless possibilities. Rapid improvement of technology and the wide reach of internet, enable the generations of today work more flexibly than ever before. With a laptop and internet access, and a bit of imagination people can now choose not only when they work, but also from where and how. Sounds amazing doesn`t it. There is more to it tough. In this post I will list some of the challenges that we are experiencing going through this shift of ideology on how we work. I will also try my best to find solutions to these challenges. Continue reading “Finding your way”

Push It To The Limit And Break Your Imagined Boundaries

Push It To The Limit And Break Your Imagined Boundaries

This blog is called The Uncomfortzone. And it is that for a reason. This is a story of how and why I started writing it in the first place.

Chetumal, Southcoast of Mexico, November 2016, is when I got the Idea. I had been traveling through Mexico for 6 weeks or so with a girl I knew back from the days I had lived in Barcelona. It just wasn`t working, so after we reached Playa Del Carmen, we decided to go our separate ways. I had been thinking about starting a blog for some weeks now, and went on and bought the cheapest laptop I could possibly find from Walmart. I was young, wild and free as a bird. Everything was perfect. The Stage was set. Continue reading “Push It To The Limit And Break Your Imagined Boundaries”

Creation Is A Bless For Your Soul

Creation Is A Bless For Your Soul

Everything starts from something right? And that something is nothing.

First there`s a blank piece of paper. Then comes an idea to write something. The Idea is followed by action and out of nowhere, what was a moment ago nothing but a thought in my mind, has become something, something that`s also recognizable to others.

We all are constantly creating something. Movement, carbon dioxide, thoughts, whatever it might be, but we all are producing. All the time. So we can say creation comes naturally from us. We all, in one way or another, are creators. Continue reading “Creation Is A Bless For Your Soul”

Write It On A Piece Of Paper

Write It On A Piece Of Paper

What do you want in life? Or, Who do you want to become growing up? At what kind of situation, place and feeling do you picture yourself when your in your 70`s?

I have found asking myself these, amongs other questions, then writing the answers on a piece of paper, very helpful and thought provoking, inspiring.

We all have a lot of different kind of thoughts and ideas going through our minds everyday. Sometimes so many of them, it is hard to grasp just one. Try writing your Continue reading “Write It On A Piece Of Paper”